This day (March 3), twenty years ago, I don’t think I was wondering what I’d be doing today. I had not idea that I would have been making a run to Walmart to get a few necessities while our daughter was at Easter play rehearsal and it was a Sunday were I’d be at church and *just so happen* to be singing worship songs that remind me how I got through that rescue and jolt of grace experience.
But twenty years later, I’m sitting here listening to George Winston, who I first started listening to 20 years ago almost exactly, with my husband fast asleep on the couch after a fun father/son weekend and writing a post for my blog.
Twenty years ago I was in the dark and unaware yet held.
Twenty years ago yesterday, I had brain surgery and I still thank God.
I thank Him because he rescued me, spiritually and physically. I thank God I allowed Him to get through my thick skull so I could experience redemption, grace and love. I thank Him for the love and prayers from so many people who surrounded me. I thank Him for the people he put in my life to minister to me. I thank God for my family who nurtured me and for my roommate/dearest friend in college who stuck by my side the.entire.time. I thank God for the nurses and doctors and technicians who knew what they were doing. I thank God for the gifts and cards and visits that just blew me away. I thank Him for the vision I still have, even though I lost a good chunk of it and for my protection (and everyone with me) . I thank God for the Word -His promises –which guided me and for the peace that passes all understanding. I thank God for the beginning of my desire for writing. I thank God for the boldness He gave me after I healed to speak to groups about my redemptive and rescue story. (joys #1236-#1249)

I thank God for those memories.
The gift God gave me yesterday were the songs we sang at church that I gave right back to him.
“I lay me down, I’m not my own, I belong to You alone. Lay me down. Lay me down. Hand on my heart, this much is true; there’s no life apart from You.
It will be my joy to say, Your will, Your way.”
And we also sang the song with the words:
“You make all things work together for my good” (Your Love Never Fails) and to top it off with the most beautiful and truth–filled hymn of all time, Amazing Grace.
I lay down my life there on that cold and hard metal hospital bed whispering “Be strong and courageous…the Lord your God is with you.” not knowing the outcome but trusting God will work this surgery out my good and His will. I thank Him for His amazing grace to rescue me through it all (the wait, the surgery and recovery). I am still reminded of the goodness He gives still 20 years later from His promises, my husband, children, family, friends and amazing grace that encompasses it all.
Giving praise to the Great Physician. He is the same yesterday, today and forever and redeems each of us who believes in Him.
Even more to thank Him…

#1250 seeing bluebird come in for a landing on the birdhouse on a bright shining morning
#1251 son made the school soccer team and showed concern for those that did not.
#1252 long over-due lunch with a friend
#1253 learning even more from Romans 8:28
#1254 hard eucharisteos – how to learn and what to learn from when amidst a toxic environment
#1255 gift at 3pm – daughter comes in the front door after a day at school
#1256 gift at 3pm – husband and son packing to go on a “Father/son weekend” with friends

#1257 gift green – the tree in our kitchen that holds the Lent paintings of Jesus’ life journey to the cross.
