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A Big ‘Ole “P”: Hold Tight Day 7

Writer's picture: Beth HildebrandBeth Hildebrand

I flip through the pages looking for a big “P”.

The “P” is an abbreviation for “PROMISE” – God’s promise.

I have a friend who shared with me a couple of years ago, a practice she does that has given her hope. When she reads the Bible and a verse yells out to her, “That’s My promise to you!”, she puts a big “P” by that verse.

She challenged me to do that too, which has become a joy-practice of mine. It’s so good to have when your day seems filled with problems, the feeling of emptiness or aloneness or exhaustion. Just flip through those thin, crinkly pages and they pop out. My big, green Book that’s crammed with scribbled on scrap paper and bookmarks and a cover that’s started to peel away from the binding is now marked with “P’”s.

Here’s one:

God has set everything right between Him and me! Scripture reassures us – no one who trusts God like this – heart and soul- will ever regret it!”

Romans 10:11

What a promise! We’ll never regret completely trusting God. I need to remember that.


I challenge you to get a pen out and start writing big ‘ole “P’s” in your Book.

{Feel free to make a comment below and share a verse that you’d mark with a big ‘ole “P” to bring all of us a little more hope today.}

It’s Monday…the day to list joys and reasons to thank God!

#1678 song “Oceans (where feet may fail)” by Hillsong United worshipping God in community. Praying these words over and over:

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders Let me walk upon the waters Wherever You would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence of my Savior

#1679 first acorn seen on a walk

#1680 I’m not the only one

#1681 lunch date with hubby

#1682 daughter filled with joy that she figured out how to make a rainbow loom bracelet

#1683 Hearing her say and grin on her face “I’m proud of myself” which is something rarely heard.

#1684 conversation after church with a couple who were encouraging and challenged me…and an affirmation?

#1685 our server at the restaurant in Southern Pines…God bless her please!

#1686 watching the kids play Frisbee golf with friends on a beautiful autumn morning

#1687 the excitement and anticipation of starting new 31 Day Series

#1688 the sweet neighbor girls who let me take a picture of a pinky promise


#1689 seeing the leaves on the pretties colored-leaf tree in our neighborhood starting to change

#1690 God’s promise that “when the troubles begin, don’t be afraid. Look up – raise your head high, because the truth is that your liberation is fast approaching.” Luke 21:28

#1691 I now have a bike

#1692 pumpkin patches popping up around town

#1694 celebrating our son’s 14th birthday at an Elon soccer game


#1695 teachable moments

#1696 football season!


#1697 my husband’s heart to help others

#1698 an evening on the back porch with friends talking about the book of Esther

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