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Writer's pictureBeth Hildebrand

A Radiant Moment at a Campsite

I was woken up when it was still pitch black outside by the birds who were singing so loudly it sounded as if they were inside our tent. I dozed off and on until the sun finally arose for the day as the shadows of the trees danced on our tent.


Once I stepped out of the tent, to the beauty of my eye was the sun’s rays reaching down to the earth through the trees in the woods. I saw all of nature in awe of God. God’s glory was radiant.

There was one tree that stood out from the rest.

It was as if that tree was bent over to worship the Lord.


Honestly camping isn’t my first choice of vacation but I’m outnumbered by my husband, son and daughter who love to. But once I’m there at the campground with the tent set up and the fire going, it’s worth it. There’s a joy of being together as a family and to be in the nature that God created.




It was time for breakfast that hubby so deliciously made, and time to thank the Lord for it. After eating, we just needed to give God the glory for the beautiful morning so I quickly asked Him, “Lord, what promise from Your Truth can we read that is just. right. for this beautiful morning?”.

All of a sudden 1 John 1:1-8 came to my mind and I honestly didn’t remember what that Scripture was… it just came to my mind. Even though we unplugged from electronics for the weekend, my husband got his phone and pulled up those verses for us to read.

It was perfect.

As the sun continued to rise though the trees, we read “God is light. In Him there is no darkness at all”. (vs. 5)

God is pure light, undimmed by darkness of any kind.

For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us. (vs. 2 KJV which is actually the version we read from)

Manifest – to make clear and evident to the eye.

That morning was clear and evident to our eyes to see the radiance of God that was shining light down through those trees…and the bent tree.


Let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.” (Psalm 96:12)

That tree was leaning towards the sun…the Son…singing for joy.


I had just read the day before from Henri J.M. Nouwen how we should praise God more than anything else. Praise Him because He is the Creator. Praise Him for His creations for us to enjoy. Praise Him because He is holy. Praise Him because He gives us joy. Praise Him because He was and is and is to come.


Even the trees and all of nature and creation sings praise to the Creator.

I started to learn that when we praise Him first, we’re able to release our other burdens, concerns, fears and even hopes to Him which allows us to live life more the way He created us to be.

Praising Him strengthens our trust in His sovereignty.

Praising Him gives us the desire to lean on Him.

Praising Him makes us yearn to lean toward Him.

And then all other things will become manifest…clear and evident.

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