“Day and night your hand of discipline was heavy on me. My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat. Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, ‘I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.’ And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone.” (Psalm 31:4-5 NLT)
Confession. It’s usually not easy to do. But as David said, until we confess, it brings us down and makes us weak. Sin goes back to the beginning of time and the sins we make today are the same that were committed way back when. Do these sound familiar?
We’re women at wells, weeds, prodigal children, and siblings with anger. We’re like the one who stored up treasures and didn’t share them, we’re like laborers who worked all day and got the same amount of pay as one who worked only an hour. And what about being a Pharisee? Sadly, I can see my personal sins fall into many of the stories in Scripture.
I am the woman at the well. I am the scattered seed that fell along the path. And I am the son that ran away. And I am the bitter son who stayed.
I am the one who begs for mercy. I am the one who cannot seem to forgive. Part of me is like part of each one of those people referred to in Scripture.
Jesus gave his life to replace our death. He was beaten, flogged, spit on, mocked, suffered and nailed to a cross for all “those people” whom he was teaching a lesson after committing a sin. He taught me a lesson reading the Truth.
As I remember the suffering and salvation God did for me, I must confess.
I am the one who hides, lies, blames, doubts, envies and consumes. I am the one who is selfish, shameful, stubborn and scarred.
I am the one who thirsts, begs, pleads, cries, and hungers. I am the one who desperately needs I AM.
I AM is the One who came to this earth and exposes, tells the Truth, loves, gives, is certain and blameless. I AM is just, merciful, compassionate, omniscient, powerful and mighty.
Because I AM took on Himself all my sinful actions and thoughts, I can overcome them and say:
I am the one who is saved, forgiven, redeemed, healed, and restored. I am the one who is loved, set apart, plentiful and thankful.
You are the one too, whom The One has died to redeem you.
You are the one whom The One adores. You really are.