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  • Writer's pictureBeth Hildebrand

Count with me?

I realize I haven’t posted my joys and thankfulness as much in October as I was busy focusing on promises from God. But I was still counting and snapping and just feel like sharing them so I can come back to this and be reminded of JOY on days where I could use them.

I remember reading in One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp when she wrote, “daily practice of the discipline of gratitude is the way to daily practice the delight of God.” Joy is hidden when we start giving thanks.

In November, many make an extra effort to show their gratitude. I’ve even seen on Facebook many friends posting each day this month something they’re thankful for. The holidays are knocking on the front door and somehow we seem to stop and take a breath and be thankful. But why just the month of November? Why not all year? We say we’re thankful for our family, our home, our Starbucks coffee, but we wouldn’t be abundantly blessed with those things if God had not given them to us. So, first I choose to thank God first. Thank Him for His sacrifice which is the upmost gift to be thankful for.

Won’t you join me in counting thanks? This month, feel free to make a comment below and share something you thank God for…not just what you’re thankful for. What is something you thank God for that’s more than something you physically have? Thank God for who He is and what He’s done and for His promises and grace and forgiveness. Then, we’ll see the little gifts in our daily lives are because of Him.


Still adding to my count of thankfulness…all gift from God!

#1710 great surprise birthday gift from my hubby

#1711 daughter in a play with more confidence each time

#1712 lunch with GMG friends…community and fellowhip

#1713 makes you laugh: watching I Love Lucy chocolate candy episode with the kids

#1714 makes you laugh: a friend’s story about thinking it was 6am when it was really 2am

#1715 watching videos of when we got our dog when he was puppy

#1716 watching videos of kids and the creations they made

#1717 laughing at the dinner table with our family

#1718 son taking pictures with my phone on the way to school at God’s sunrise art



#1719 daughter playing in sprinkler…on October! Thanks God for warm fall days.

#1720 son had good camping trip with his Link Group from church

#1721 husband cleaned out the garage

#1722 Classic Hymn “Standing on the Promises” plays on my Pandora ‘piano’ selection as I post Day 21 Hold Tight Series. Wow.

#1723 gorgeous, autumn, sunny day being spontaneous and going to the fair with my husband and kids


#1724 fun seeing the winning pumpkin


#1725 big treats of fair food




#1726 birthday wishes from friends and family

#1727 learning a new card game

#1728 the tradition of costumes, chili, cool nights and time with friends

#1729 beautiful leaves in peak colors


#1730 never having been as excited and vocal in a meeting about Jesus ever!!

#1731 hearing the date when our good friends’ get to bring their new daughter home from Haiti

#1732 all the family and friends who wished me a Happy Birthday

#1733 Cedar Rock Park on a pretty Saturday afternoon with grandparents

#1734 son hanging around


#1735 daughter auditioned for a play and got a great role!

#1736 daughter going with group of leaders and 20+ other 5th and 6th graders from church to SuperStart conference.


#1737 sun rays shining through colored leaves

#1338 completed 31 Days!

#1739 the feeling of freedom!

#1740 breakfast and lunch with a friend and dreaming and taking the first leap!

#1741 playing in the leaves



#1742 Joining Facebook friends posting something each day in the month of November that I’m thankful for. I’m thankful to read what others are thankful for!

#1743 Day 1: I’m thankful that my husband’s grandparents have come to spend a few days with us and spent a rainy day together playing Mexican Train!

#1744 Day 2: I’m thankful for a beautiful, fall day outside at Cedar Rock Park with family.


#1745 Day 3: I’m thankful for my husband Scott Hildebrand, who rescued my engagement ring today that I accidentally dropped in a crack between the seats in the van. It took a lot of work but he got it out and proposed to me again in our laundry room. He must still really love me…I’m so thankful!

#1746 Day 4: I’m thankful for all the teachers I’ve had in school in my life and for the ones who’ve taught my children.

#1747 Day 5: feeling of excitement and anticipation never really felt before

#1748 Day 6: I’m thankful my daughter has the heart to give. Today she made rainbow loom bracelets for our friend to take to Haiti to give the children there. She even convinced her other friend to make some too!

#1749 Day 7: I’m thankful Billy Graham is giving one more cry out to America about our HUGE God’s enormous love for us.

#1750 Day 8: Thankful for my vision…

#1751 Day 9: I’m thankful to have a day to work on books and albums with friends today! We believe in the importance of sharing your stories and passing them on to our children and generations to come!


#1752 Day 10: I’m thankful for our next door neighbors. They take care of us all the time, spoiling our kids like their grandkids, gets our mail, and loans us whatever we need. Love to be able to call them neighbors and friends. And they gave us a beautiful poinsettia plant yesterday too! Thank you!!

#1753 the joy to invite others to study the bible with me

#1754 being asked

#1755 stepping onto the water

#1757 starting a new bible study on Thanksgiving through Good Morning Girls

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