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  • Writer's pictureBeth Hildebrand

Frequent Intimacy

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take.  Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.  Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.  Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8

This is one of the first verses I memorized after I asked Jesus into my heart.  I didn’t understand why God allowed me to have brain surgery and become partially blind but it was a true opportunity to for to practice trusting in Him. 

At IF:Gathering the other week, there was a woman whom I had not heard speak before but she’s now one of my favorites – Jada Edwards.  At the conference she focused on Proverbs 3:5-6 and taught me some things I needed to hear.  It’s amazing how in just a couple of verses, which have never changed through history, you can continually learn new things about God and ourselves through them. 

Jada spoke how to grow and build our TRUST, it takes TRUTH and TIME. When it comes to TRUTH, we must know what is true and what is NOT true. To do that, we need to be in the Word. Like I mentioned on Monday, we need to make it a priority and give up some other things we do to allow us to have MORE TIME to read God’s Truth. That way, when we hear in the news, or co-workers, or even friends slightly twist what is true about God’s Word, we’ll be able to recognize it and lovingly point back to the Bible what God has to say about it.

And then in addition to reading the Truth more often, we also need to allow God to take HIS TIME to change and do what HE wants done before our prayers are answered or we have a clearer understanding of a situation in our lives. I remember learning once that sometimes God has us wait, because there’s other things that don’t necessarily have to do with us that need to happen before He can reveal to us what it is He’s got in His plan for our lives.

What Jada said that stood out to me the most, not only in her talk, but for all of IF, are the two words FREQUENCY and INTIMACY.  I (and you) must have FREQUENT INTIMACY with Jesus to build a strong and unwavering TRUST in the LORD with ALL my heart…for me to lean on HIS understanding, and not mine. 

Jesus, I want to have FREQUENT INTIMACY with You.  I don’t want to have my quiet time to be just a check off to mark on my calendar or to-do list.  I want to frequently talk with You and hear Your voice every day, throughout the day.  I want to take the TIME to read Your Word more, so I’ll know, and even understand, what is TRUE and what is NOT true.  Thank you for the ways you teach each one of us through each other’s wisdom and guidance whether it’s through someone speaking at a conference, or as it happens every day here in our online group.  May you be glorified now and forever!  Amen!

These are verses that are seen more often than some others. What do today’s verse mean to you? Is trusting God something that’s easy or more of a challenge for you to do and why? I’d love to hear from all of you!

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