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I’m Being Honest Here

Writer's picture: Beth HildebrandBeth Hildebrand

Lord, why do I ignore and allow myself to get distracted by my phone, or come up with any other excuse when it comes to the time when I can be still, acknowledge being in Your presence, talk with You, listen to You, read Your love letter to me…again. It grieves me to think that You’re grieving over me because I’m choosing to scroll through Instagram instead of being in conversation with You.

Friends, you and I have the invitation He’s given us COUNTLESS number of times to spend time with Him– with His wide-open arms reaching out for us.

God, the One who created light and darkness; God, the One who created the universe, atmosphere and air to breathe; God, the One who constructed majestic mountains and blind-to-the-naked-eye cells that begin the life of a child of Yours; Jesus, the One who can walks on water, heals the broken and resurrects lives. God, the One who knows all languages, knows what each person is thinking, and is completely wise; God, the One who is mighty to save and directs the angels in heaven who fight for You and protects Your children; God, the One who breathed Your Word that has lasted since the beginning of life until today and will be forever; You, the One who is most beautiful, most wonderful and most powerful, and yet…

…wants to spend time with you.

He wants you to want to spend time with Him,

wants you to talk with Him, walk beside Him and rest in Him. 

He wants to just BE with you.

He wants to hold you when times are making you weary and

wants you to know, feel and believe that you are beautiful, wonderful and power-made in His image when you allow His Spirit to dwell inside of you.  Because you are.

The omniscient and omnipotent God, the One who created the heavens, raises the dead to life, and put in your DNA the need and desire for love…wants to connect with and join you, all the time.  He is always and ever present when you believe His presence is within you. 

Holy, holy, holy to God who protects you, guards you, fights for you, chased after you, is compassionate with you, forgives you, is abundant in grace over you, and is in deep, never-ending love with you. 

God, please forgive us for the times when we’ve forgetting that.  Thank you for reminding me this today.  I obviously needed to hear it from Your steady, strong voice, spoken with quiet love. And maybe you needed that prayer today, too.

That prayer, friends is for you, and for me and most importantly to Him. Whom we don’t deserve. But we more than gladly and humbly accept at His feet.

I pray this is the precious and powerful name of Jesus,


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