Even when things swirling around in daily life makes you dizzy, confused, or just overwhelmed like me, I must remember the joy of God and the many things I can thank Him for. Here’s some joys I’m thanking Him for these days.
#2518 first smell of honeysuckle
#2519 Listening to son tell us about the invention of automobiles and wind at the dinner table. Bringing laughter.
#2520 Seeing my college roomie as a nominated teacher of the year on Kelly and Michael show.
#2521 Finding a wild rooster in our backyard and then hearing about him from others around town

#2522 Strawberry picking with my family – some for the first time

#2523 Guys day at the air show
#2524 Memories from the church I grew up in
#2525 The comment my husband posted in our sanctuary where we got married
#2526 Getting two new books in the mail
#2527 Eating salad with the fresh lettuce in our garden
#2528 Daughter playing her flute in a band concert

#2529 The bouquet of flowers Gran gave our musician from her garden

#2530 AD: The Bible Continues Series on NBD family time on Sunday nights the past couple of months
#2531 My husband told me I don’t make an earthly income but a heavenly one for our family
#2532 Conversation with a stranger yet sister through Christ about deciding whether or not to go to IF in September and giving her 2 verses, Proverbs 3:5-6 and 2 Coritnians 1:17-22 which helped become an affirmative.
#2533 Unexpected smell of a magnolia on a morning walk
#2534 Extra prayer time early in the morning when you can’t sleep
#2535 Needed rain
#2536 Hard eucharisteo: Needing to write about ISIS
#2537 Going to the book store with the kids
#2538 Another good school year (and now it’s over!)
#2539 Daughter getting team language arts award
#2540 Son great Freshmen year of high school
#2540 Son offers to wash dishes after dinner
#2541 Spring and Summer dinners on porch
#2542 Writing Scripture on our dear friend’s wood posts of their house being built

#2543 Telling friend and author my idea of a book and their advice and encouragement
#2544 Fun evening with friends at Saturday Night at Saxaphaw, NC

#2545 Surprise seeing out of town college friend at Saxaphaw
#2546 Love and Valor band
#2547 Surprise gift from my husband’s parents
#2548 Writing time at CFA
#2549 packing food for ISIS victims with FtH

#2550 the snapping turtle in or backyard that brought a little bit of excitement

#2551 a campfire in the back yard on a comfortable late spring evening

#2552 my Mother’s Day meal

#2553 my Mother’s Day cards

#2554 my Mother’s Day gifts – flowers for the summer

#2555 Our church’s student ministry’s creativity and fun
#2556 Knockerballs!
#2557 A flower growing from a sidewalk crack
