“He appeared and the soul felt it’s worth”
That line from the classic Christmas hymn, “O Holy Night” has been resonating inside me this season of Advent.
God, our LORD, became flesh in the form of a baby infant, so you and I can deep-down feel your worth or your value TO HIM. I hope and pray that you feel that this Christmas.
You are worthy only because of Jesus and His love and sacrifice for you sins.
You are worthy because of His faithfulness.
You are worthy because of His grace.
You are worthy because of His mercy.
You are worthy because of His forgiveness .
You are worthy because you are His beloved.
You are worthy because you are His bride.
You are worthy because you are His child.
You are worthy because of His love.
You are worthy because He is I AM.
This Christmas, may your soul feel it’s worth with a thrill of hope.
Merry Christmas,