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Writer's pictureBeth Hildebrand

Remember Class Superlatives?

Joining in with Five Minute Friday and today’s word is “FALL”.


It’s here. It’s the last day of school for my son’s 7th grade and daughter’s 4th grade year.

Every year goes faster and every year I pray it’ll go slower.

This week there’s been field days, parties, award assemblies, smiles and laughs and even some sad thoughts of the year ending because all of their teachers were SO GOOD this year.

Our son brought home a certificate from the superlatives from his class team where the students vote for their classmates whom they think best describes a particular characteristic… “Most School Spirit”, “Most likely to become the President of the United States”, “Best Smile”. They go back a long way. When I was in high school my senior year, I was voted “Funniest Laugh”!



Our son was voted “Most Likely to do the Right Thing”. Wow. Can that not make any mama smile? I thank God that our son has been that example to his peers.

It’s funny how the beginning of that honor is “Most Likely…”. No guarantee it’ll happen but more than likely. Hey don’t most of us want to do life the right way? Often though, we end up doing what we wish we hadn’t done, or hadn’t said, or hadn’t thought.

We all fall short of the glory of God.

Sometimes I feel like I’d be voted most likely to roll those eyes, or most likely to loose patience, or most likely to worry, or most likely to allow fear win over faith.

If God was voting in the school of life, He’d see each of us as “Most Loved”, “Most Beautiful”, “Most Gifted in….”, “Most Perfect the Way I Made You”.

Jesus is chosen as …the “One with all Grace, all Mercy and all Love”. He is the “One who Always Does the Right Thing”. He is the “One with the Highest Leadership” and the “Most Spirit” and I’m sure the “Most Smiles”.




Have a great weekend…

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