There’s just something about the mountains.
The beauty, the smell, the sounds…the feeling it gives and makes it feel like you’re in the Kingdom of God.
I’m continuing my list of the things I’m thanking God for and there were many from a mountaintop experience…
What are some things you are thankful for this summer?
#1481 sunny, perfect days to camp and hike
#1482 being unplugged in nature for a weekend
#1483 I never threw up from riding on those curvy mountain roads…but hard eucharisteo is that I felt like it. (Still trying to find reasons to be thankful for motion sickness!)

#1484 finally trying Dramamine the last day…and it worked!!!

#1485 trusting son with an ax and fire
#1486 playing Peanut Butter card game at the picnic table

#1487 walking through what seemed like a rain forest

#1488 Libby catching a butterfly
#1489 the laughter of stepping in cow poop – twice
#1490 Hubby cooking meals while camping

#1492 seeing a new view of God’s creation
#1493 the bible verse 1 John 1:1-8 that come to mind

#1494 daughter riding bike for 17 miles…having been she had hardly ridden a bike prior
#1495 never forgetting how to ride a bike especially since it had been several years since I had

#1496 the scenery on our bike ride

#1497 the sound of the stream’s running water

#1498 waterfalls

#1499 the hole-in-the-wall restaurant on the trail
#1500 blow up mattresses…that I would not came without!
#1501 hearing birds sing

#1502 the beauty of sun rays shining through trees

#1503 a bent tree in the forest

#1504 sitting by a campfire
#1505 making s’mores