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  • Writer's pictureBeth Hildebrand

Wait or Move? Part 1 | Wait and See Day 13


“There is still movement in this waiting, though it may be hard to see.”  

Emily P. Freeman   A Million Little Ways

I’m still thinking about that day in a barn.  Where artists gathered together with kindred spirits and God’s Spirit.

Almost every word spoken was either scribbled in my red notebook or tucked inside me, but there’s some that ended up with a big star beside those words.  Not only were the starred in my notebook from that day, but also my book that Emily  had written.

There’s an entire chapter titled “Wait” in A Million Little Ways.  It was a divine time I read it this past summer, too.  I felt like I was in the middle of a waiting tank surrounded with uncertainty.  I felt certain that God wanted me to do something but I didn’t know when and even questioned if it was the right thing.  I began doubting myself.  I began doubting God.

Then I read in that chapter about how to learn to move while you wait:

“Move toward God.  In all things, see Jesus.  In all circumstances, whether success or failure, questions or answers, beauty or ashes, acceptance or rejection, look for Jesus.  When the girls are struggling through homework, when the dishwasher rack falls broken to the floor, when you sit in the midst of grief over losing a dad you love, look for Jesus.  Stop trying so hard to read the Scriptures to look for answers but instead, let the Scriptures read you.  Move toward God.

A second thing we sense God is saying to us is this:  Move toward one another.  In all things, love each other as you are but have a vision for what you could be.  Pay attention to the vision God is casting for your marriage, your family, the community you live in.  See one another according to the Spirit, not according to the flesh.  Move toward one another and receive the other as they move toward you.”

Often when we hear the word wait, it means stop.  Don’t move forward.  Stay right where you are.  But this was a refreshing perspective of how waiting can be beautiful.

Waiting is a time to move closer to God and look and see Jesus in all things and in other people.  And when you wait with acceptance and peace, people can see Jesus in you. 

See more Wait and See Series posts here

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