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What does autumn bring?

Writer's picture: Beth HildebrandBeth Hildebrand


The leaves are already falling off the trees and we spent time raking piles already over the weekend. It was the first day of autumn yesterday and that means October is very near.

Yes, it’s my favorite time of the year with temperatures cooling off, leaves falling down and pumpkins being decorated but it’s also a special month for bloggers…and hopefully the readers…including you?

So, for the rest of the month, I’m going to take the little bit of time I do have and get ready for next month. That means I probably won’t be posting much until then but I do hope you’ll come back to visit at the end of September as I share what I’ve learned this month and then jump into a pile of promises in October! I hope you’ll join me.

I did read this prayer and it reminds me of the wonders we have to give God thanks for:

Dear Lord, grant me the grace of wonder. Surprise me, amaze me, awe me in every crevice of Your universe. Delight me to see how Your Christ plays in ten thousand places…to the Father through the features of men’s faces. Each day enrapture me with Your marvelous things. I do not ask to see the reason for it all: I ask only to share the wonder of it all.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

Still delighting in counting and giving thanks for the thousands of places to find joy…

#1654 our dog making a turn around and getting better after the vet was concerned he might not make it.

#1655 our impromptu neighborhood street football game of all ages


#1656 son inviting 2 friends to youth group after the challenge to was given and then returned on their own the next week

#1657 being part of a friend’s special 16th birthday celebration

#1658 blooming hostas shining bright in sunlight


#1659 learning more about faith in the book of Luke

#1660 excitement and anticipation of preparing to launch a new women’s ministry

#1661 messy cheeseburgers

#1662 5 loads of laundry complete!

#1663 a bright morning encounter with a bumble bee


#1664 opportunity to tell our son our lifetime goals we have for him for a class assignment…first and foremost to be a Christ-follower.

#1665 reminder of Rahab’s story

#1666 a revelation that was humbling and even makes my heart hurt

#1667 “Rather than dying to my need for approval, I died to the clear callings God had put in my soul and the clear gifts and equipping he had given me.” Jennie Allen from Anything I can so relate.

#1668 visiting with friend from the other side of the USA

#1669 laughing so hard with your daughter it makes your underarms itch

#1670 a beautiful Saturday to spend outside

#1671 breakfast and lunch with friends

#1672 chicken pie someone else made and baked apples

#1673 “Jesus loves me this I know. Jesus knows me, this I love!” A friend told me that and I love it!

#1674 first day of autumn


#1675 enjoy the Lego Art of Brick exhibit at the Alamance Co. Art Council with family



#1676 daughter inviting friend who doesn’t attend church to church with us…and her friend enjoyed it.

#1677 SMC preteen ministry rocks!

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