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Writer's pictureBeth Hildebrand

Why is it so much easier to say “what if…”?


It’s Monday and the start of a new week. It’s the day to get back into routine after a week break from school and sometimes a week break makes me weak to intake…to intake God’s Word, His promises, his grace and discipline.

And when I’m weak in those things, worldly distractions creep in my heart to try to steal my memory of His promises and desire for me to be with Him. When that happens, those hidden fears start to creep back out.

Yesterday at church, one of the pastors, Fil Anderson, spoke about fear and faith. Powerful. I’m still pondering what I heard and writing it down so I won’t forget. Fear can so easily keep us from walking by faith and fear never comes from God. “Satan is the installer of fear.”

And with fear comes the two faith-stealing words: What if…

Fil said that “Fear is faith in the wrong things.” God created us to be able to have faith! He allows us to choose where to put our faith. It’s so easy though, when we begin to allow our doubts take reign over faith. We begin to say “what if…” instead of what we should say: “God is…” .

Why is it so much easier to say “what if…” instead of “God is…”?

“What if” just flow out of the mouth natural and smooth; or maybe it’s just as easy to drink in that fear. I remember a song where a line goes, “This world is making me drunk on the spirit of fear. So when he {God} says, ‘Who will go?’, I am no where near.”

Practice naming those fears and giving them to God. When you ask yourself, or even tell someone else, “But what if…” then replace it with “God is…” surrendering that fear to God!

What if I can’t do it? God is cheering me on.

What if I’ve chosen the wrong road? God is going to direct or re-direct me.

What if I disappoint God? God is taking delight in you.

What if God rejects me? God is choosing me to do His work and will never abandon me.

What if they reject me? God is welcoming me every moment to be with Him.

What if I’m allowing fear to smother my faith? God is trusting me.

What if no one reads my blog? God is my One Audience

Strive to trust faith, not fear.

Every day, let PRAISE and GRATITUDE to our Faith-Giving Father, flow out of your mouth and drink in the truth that there’s an EMPTY TOMB!


Praise and Gratitude for…

#1302 He is RISEN!

#1303 The moments in our lives that remind us of God’s goodness and grace.

#1304 celebrating Easter with family

#1305 family playing basketball together

#1306 the older man standing on the sidewalk on the outskirts of downtown waving to people driving by with a smile on his face holding his cane.

#1307 random patches of daffodils on the highways and country roads…wondering if they used to be in flower beds of homes a couple of centuries ago.

#1308 spring break relaxing

#1309 warmer weather

#1310 girls night out

#1311 conversation with a new friend who also had brain surgery

#1312 pastor’s teaching about fear and faith.

#1313 the orchestra of birds

#1314 turtle-sitting the science teacher’s school turtles



#1315 our new “cousin” Bernie


#1316 children’s laughter



#1317 our son holding his baby cousin


#1318 coloring eggs

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