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Writer's pictureBeth Hildebrand

You, Yes You, Are Invited To Come

It’s a new year!  It’s the last year of this decade.  It’s the start of something new.  Ladies, if you’re wanting something new and refreshing, then read on!

Like many of you, I’ve watched and participated in the IF:Alamance Gatherings that have been hosted here in town, and each time I’m amazed how God moved through that event around the world, and in our community.  Each time I was part of it, messages taught seemed to be just what I needed to hear, worship was authentic, and I was given a challenge I needed to do to glorify and thank God for what He’s done for me along with strengthening my faith and trust in the Lord.

And speaking of trusting God, that’s the theme February 8 -9, 2019.  Speakers will be sharing the importance of seeking wisdom through His word and being in His presence on a daily basis in our crazy busy lives.  If you’re like me, so often I try to fix myself, by myself without going to the Word and prayer to gain wisdom from God.

I’ve come to learn a little bit how experiences in life help increase your wisdom.  I’ve also been learning that even when I feel like I’m not wise on a specific task or experience,  I’ll back out of an assignment God gracefully gives me with hope and love.  One of the biggest things God wants us to do for Him is to tell others about Jesus and how He’s changed our lives.  He had 12 disciples and told 11 of them before He ascended into heaven to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19) for His sake.  To make someone a disciple, we must be an example of how to be one.  Or at least try our best to.  That takes time, which means developing a relationship with someone who doesn’t know what it’s like to have one with Jesus.  For three years, Jesus discipled the men who were curious and chose to learn more about Him.

Unfortunately, I’m guilty of coming up with excuses of why I’m not qualified, or the person God wants to use to be a disciple for Himself.  Have you ever felt that way?  We use the excuse that we aren’t wise enough to disciple someone.  We haven’t been a believer long enough, I don’t understand everything in the Bible, my “gift” isn’t teaching, I’m not good enough, I’m too much a sinner, even though I try to follow Christ.  I don’t have time to do a Bible study.  I have toddlers, I work full time, I’m too old, I’m too young, I get too nervous, no one will want to meet with me, I’m not wise enough.  I don’t think any of my friends or co-workers would be interested.  I don’t know where to start.  I don’t want to commit to anything because something might happen down the road and I’d have to stop and I don’t want to let anyone down.  What if we meet and I let her down? (again I’m not good enough).  I battle depression and anxiety.  I have a bad history.  I’m fighting cancer or a disease. And there’s even more excuses, I’m sure.

But y’all!  It’s not about YOU.  It’s what GOD WANS to do and CAN do through YOU when you choose to be obedient to His Word, when you choose to follow Christ, when you choose to take risks THROUGH HIM.  It’s when you choose to believe that He’ll never forsake you or abandon you and will be present with you when you encourage others.  It’s when you choose to have faith, even if it’s the size of a mustard seed, that God will provide you with the opportunity and ability to reach out to someone who needs someone to listen to her.  It’s when you CHOOSE TO TRUST GOD.  He kinda commands us to do that…in Proverbs 3:5-6, which is one of the main verses in Proverbs that IF:Gathering will be teaching from.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will keep your paths straight.”

Maybe I have been trusting him even if I wasn’t feeling like I was.

When you come to this event, you’re going to experience being in the presence of God with women around the world.  Come as you are.  Heartbroken, scarred, scared, rebellious, angry or sad.  Come if you have a deep desire to change, to experience joy, be with others who are going through something in life like you, even though you don’t know it…YET.  Come if you need wisdom, discernment and direction.  Come of you want to experience Jesus.  Come just because you’re curious and you want to check out what this gathering thing is all about. Come if you have a sweet relationship with God – this will be a blessing to you.   Come if you’re starting to realize that your excuses really aren’t good enough.  Come in you PJ pants and slippers!

There will be food, coffee, giveaway prizes and a gift bag for you.  There will be amazing worship with the IF worship leaders, teaching, laughter, prayer, tears and joy.  There will be meaningful conversations and fun fellowship. Memories will be made, and you’ll be charged, or re-ignited to make a difference in someone’s – yes, even if it’s just ONE person’s life – after it’s over.  Trust me – no – TRUST GOD – that this will be worth it because YOU are WORTH it!  JESUS is WORTH it!

Register to attend here!  (And you’re welcome to forward this post to your friends!)


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