“I can’t promise you the world, But I can try to give you a happy life. I can’t promise you I’ll never yell, But I can try to stay calm most of the time. I can’t promise you I’ll never make mistakes, But I can try the best I can. I can’t promise you that I’ll catch you every time you fall, But I can try to always be close by so I can help you back up. I can’t promise that our love will last forever like in storybooks, But I can promise that no matter what, I’ll never forget the memories I made with you.”
You may have seen that quote floating around Facebook or Pintrest and shared it with someone who’s dear to your heart.
Then I got to thinking, “What ‘can and can’ts’ would I say to you, friend, on this last day in this Hold Tight series and as a blogger in general?” So here’s a try:
I can promise you I’ll try my best, but I can’t promise you I’ll do my best every time.
I can promise you I’ll try hard to be an encourager. But I can’t promise you I’ll never make mistakes. (In fact, I can promise you I make plenty of them every day!)
I can’t promise you perfection. But I can promise you I’m imperfect and OK with it (most of the time).
I can’t promise you I know all the answers but I can promise I know the Teacher who does.
I can promise this all comes from the heart.
I can promise I need promises from Christ alone.
I can promise I need that reminder so I don’t go insane!

Then I began thinking even more. “What would God say if He wrote something like that?” Would it be something like this?:
I can promise you that I love the world, but I can’t promise you you’ll have a always happy life. (John 3:16, 1 Peter 1:6)
I can promise you I never make mistakes, but I can’t promise you you’ll understand my way. (Proverbs 16:10)
I can promise you I’ll catch you every time you fall, but I can’t promise you that you’ll ask me to catch you. (Deut. 32:10-11)
I can promise you that my love for you will last forever like in storybooks, but I can’t promise you that you’ll never forget that promise I’m giving you. (Psalm 138:8)
Such sweet yet sometimes hard to swallow promises. I’m guilty of all of those things he can’t promise me. But HIS promises will never end.
Focus on those can’s not the can’ts.
Hold tight to the promises on the roller coaster of life.
Don’t let go.
The ride might slow down, break down or run out of fuel but don’t let go!
For His unfailing love is great, and it is intended for us, and His faithfulness to His promises knows no end. Praise the Lord!
(Psalm 117:2)
The roller coaster has come to a stop…at least this 31 Day series has. I hope you’ve enjoyed the “ride” and it’s had it’s ups and downs for sure. But I raise it all to the One whom I’m writing this for. He is the One who promises redemption, restoration, rest, revival and relentless forgiveness and love. And He never breaks them.
{ Thanks to those of you who stopped by in my little space this past month to read parts of this series! I hope it’s been a gift to you. I can’t promise you the exact date I’ll be back to post again because I need a little rest from this great ride! But will come back refreshed! }
